AjBiais > textile accessories

Keyword : textile accessories

Activity sectors

Our company specialises in creating textile accessories that enhance fashion or ready-to-wear designs, but we do not stop there. Our teams work every day to offer the highest quality in textile accessories: bias binding, piping, straps, braiding, gathered and pleated trims, waistbands and ornaments, etc. All this is possible thanks to the expertise of our design and production teams.


The sales team

All the AJ Biais sales representatives are always on hand and fully geared to customer service. Their aim is to listen to the customers, understand their needs and help them at each stage in the sales process. All the representatives are specialists: they know the AJ Biais business activities and skills: all the solutions for ready-to-wear and textile accessories designed and made by our design teams. Speaking several languages and constantly on the lookout for new products and market trends in textiles, our marketing and sales teams are on hand to give advice on the business specificities and product strategies our customers want. By remaining in permanent contact with the other departments in the company, our sales teams can adapt the AJ Biais product range to the needs of our customers.

The production teams

Making the bias, cutting, assembly, finishing and shipping, … all the production stages are managed by qualified professionals at AJ Biais. Divided into core businesses that work together, the AJ Biais production teams work every day on the various production sites in the group. With over 120 years of accumulated experience and more than 1,000 types of fabric in stock, we are one of the world leaders in the production of textile accessories and narrow textile trims.

The design team

Experience, creativity and perfectionism are the three watchwords that best describe the work and expertise of our design team. Always up-to-date with the current and future trends in the textile market, our designers and creators bring that je-ne-sais-quoi touch to all our products (textile accessories, bias binding, flat trim, pre-folded trim, piping, straps, braids, waistbands, etc.). With 5 solutions that meet the needs of all our customers (from the most specialised to the most generic), AJ Biais creations stand out from the prototypes to the final garment. Always au fait with the seasonal colours and trends and the new key fabrics, our design team each year creates two modern collections with illustrations.